For the price of dinner for two, you can launch an exciting and satisfying new career ... or bring in $500 a month part-time ... doing what you love.
If you've ever dreamed of living the life of a
Let me show you exactly how to skip the frustrations (there are plenty) and get to the:
Freedom (no set hours, no boss)
Fun (like traveling the world on someone else's dime)
And income ($500 a month part-time is easy...but I'll show you how to make $5,000 a month or more).
My name is Robert Earle Howells. I've been a successful freelancer for 30 years. I write for top national magazines and websites. Now I've written
It's an inside-the-biz guide that steers you clear of the shark-infested waters that gobble up and spit out most wannabe writers. I show you the shortcuts to earning good money quickly. My hard-learned secrets and stealth tactics will save you a ton of pain and frustration.
Dear Writer,
Have you tried to get published and ended up with little or nothing to show for it? Have you come up with great story ideas, pitched them to publishers, and then waited...and waited...and waited?
Maybe you're stuck in the starting gate. You have the dream, but don't know how to make it come true.
I feel for you. Writing can be grand adventure or a frustrating nightmare.
You don’t need to struggle. You just need a mentor. A steady hand who’s been through the wars and come out unscathed. Not only unscathed, but pretty darn successful.
I have a proven way to succeed that takes out the dead ends, hassles, and stumbles that freeze so many writers.
I've been a freelance writer for 30+ years, making a good living writing for magazines (National Geographic publications, Men's Journal, Outside, Smithsonian, Travel + Leisure…), for the Web, for ad agencies, and for independent clients. I’m a journalist, the 2009 Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year silver award winner, a copywriter, author of four books, publisher of a blog about writing, and, yes, a mentor.
Have you tried to get published and ended up with little or nothing to show for it? Have you come up with great story ideas, pitched them to publishers, and then waited...and waited...and waited?
Maybe you're stuck in the starting gate. You have the dream, but don't know how to make it come true.
I feel for you. Writing can be grand adventure or a frustrating nightmare.
You don’t need to struggle. You just need a mentor. A steady hand who’s been through the wars and come out unscathed. Not only unscathed, but pretty darn successful.
I have a proven way to succeed that takes out the dead ends, hassles, and stumbles that freeze so many writers.
I've been a freelance writer for 30+ years, making a good living writing for magazines (National Geographic publications, Men's Journal, Outside, Smithsonian, Travel + Leisure…), for the Web, for ad agencies, and for independent clients. I’m a journalist, the 2009 Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year silver award winner, a copywriter, author of four books, publisher of a blog about writing, and, yes, a mentor.
My Ebook,
Write Where the Money Is
Will show you how to...
- Get connected. Negotiate. Get paid.
- Use skills you already have to cash in on immediate income.
- Get editors to eagerly pay you to take dream trips and adventures.
- See your name in print...feel the satisfaction that comes with being a published writer.
- Bring in steady income that requires no job, no boss, no commute.
- Set your own hours, work when you want, earn as much money as you dare.
- Earn a living as a writer. Or bring in part-time income working from home.
- Get published and impress your boss…gain stature in your business…no matter what you do for a living. (This is huge!)
I'm committed to helping you. You'll discover that freelance writing is the coolest job in the world.
It's so true. I don’t have a boss. I set my own schedule. I don’t drive to work. I take time off whenever I want. Magazines pay me to travel all over the world, have cool experiences, meet amazing people, and then write about them. You can do it too.
I’ve been paid to travel to tropical paradises, explore the backroads of America, cover film and comedy festivals, helicopter to the best fly-fishing in the world, bicycle in France, hike in the Andes, dive at the Great Barrier Reef, fly with the world’s greatest aerobatics pilot, snorkel with whales in Canada, kayak in Alaska, ride the world’s fastest motorcycle, relax in the Four Seasons on Maui....
How many people do you know who have been doing the same job for more than 30 years and still wake up every morning eager to get to work?
It still astonishes me that people pay me to write. To travel, to learn, to research, to meet people all over the world—and to write about these experiences. Now it's my great pleasure to show you how you too can enjoy the wonderful lifestyle and rewards of freelance writing.
The coolest job in the world can be yours. But there's stuff you need to know. I mean, you REALLY need to know this stuff, or you don't stand a chance.
- Exactly how to get your first article published.
- How to keep your queries from ending up in the trash. (Most do.)
- How to find markets for your writing that pay real money, not pennies a word. (That's all some pay. Pathetic.)
- How to find new and exciting niches you've never heard of.
- How to convert tasks you perform every day into writing that can bring youreliable cash flow.
- How to get published even if you’ve never been published before. (A neat little secret of mine gets you around that roadblock.)
- How to avoid the pitfalls most writers experience: Such as (ugh) slow response times, slow payments, and (double-ugh) chintzy fees.
- How to understand writer contracts, what rights to sell, and how to negotiate with editors and clients.
- How to make money blogging, ghostwriting, or writing about the things you most love to do.
- How much to charge for your writing. And how to ask for more!
Trust me: To succeed as a freelance writer, you need all that and a whole lot more.
You need the underground scoop from someone who knows the writing business inside and out.
Every page of my book is packed with the lessons I’ve learned over a lifetime as a writer and editor.
Everything I tell you in WRITE WHERE THE MONEY IS works. I spell out the exact steps to take to start, succeed, and potentially make tons of money as a freelance writer. You can skim the first chapter alone and start making money as a freelance writer.
Put it this way. If...
- You dream of getting published
- You want to earn serious money writing, even if you can only devote a few hours a week to it
- You want to boost your career status—no matter what you do for a living—by becoming a published writer
- You want to advance your writing career and crack the really high-paying magazines
- You want to start a blog, a website, or cash in on some of the myriad ways to make tons of money on the Internet
- You want to try your hand at the coolest job in the world. The one I have. Freelance writing...
Okay, I hear you out there. “Hey, Bob—why would a successful writer bother with a how-to book? And aren’t you just encouraging competition?”
Four answers to those two questions:
1. I don’t have a poverty mentality. I know there’s plenty of work to go around. It’s an abundant world.
2. I’ve been a go-to guy for young writers and editors looking for advice for a long time. I like helping writers. I believe writers should be paid well for what they do.
3. I’m a practical guy. I write for money. I wrote WRITE WHERE THE MONEY IS for money. (Duh!) My book isn’t philanthropy. But it will save you a lot of time and grief.
4. I’d be happy to refer my friends to really useful books and websites that teach the ins and outs of how to make money as a freelance writer. But I can’t find any.
I’ve tried. I bought books and e-books, signed up for newsletters, surfed the writers’ forums, and visited lots and lots of “how to make money as a freelance writer” websites.
Try it yourself. Google “freelance writing.” Here’s what you’ll find:
Lots of leads for low-paying gigs. A bunch of myths passed down like folklore. HOPELESSLY out-of-date, old-school advice. Promise-the-moon offers, touting stuff like ebooks that’ll turn you into a six-figure advertising copywriter within a week. (Should I wince or laugh?) Forums? Hardly the place to go for professional advice. The pros don’t visit forums.
Now Google my name: “Robert Earle Howells.” Page after Google page, you’ll find links to hundreds of my stories. I'm not trying to toot my horn here; only showing you that I’m the real deal. I’m a freelance writer who has published more than 1,000 articles in national magazines. Even if I make millions of dollars selling this ebook, I’ll still be a freelance writer. I love doing what I do. And I practice everything I write about.
My 30+ years in the publishing business include a lot of time behind the editor’s desk. I’ve purchased hundreds of articles from writers. I know what works and what doesn’t. I also write for ad agencies and have launched my own Web business. That’s how I know the business of writing inside and out. That’s why I know where the money is.
You can’t get this advice anywhere on the Internet. Nor in any printed book on the market. Not the way I’m presenting it. Not from a real pro.
When you order WRITE WHERE THE MONEY IS, you get the benefit of decades of experience, inside-the-biz scoops that you won’t find anywhere else.
Let’s peel back the cover and take a look inside:
Chapter 1
Why I KNOW You Can Succeed as a Freelance Writer
- Guess what? You already have an audience for your writing.
- You can write! Even if you don’t think of yourself as a writer. I tell you how.
- Why “they never heard of me” is not a problem. You can get published anyway.
Here’s a quote from Chapter 1:
If you can bring real life experience to life on a page, you’re a writer. Fancy turns of phrase, arcane vocabulary, scholarly allusions, I’m-smarter-than-you-are attitudes—these don’t matter a whit. The world wants information and inspiration. Supply plenty of both and you’ll be amazed at your success.
Chapter 2
How to Become an Idea-Generating Machine
Ideas are everything. And in this chapter, I spell out exactly how you can mine your life experience to generate unlimited, sellable ideas. This is powerful stuff that will leapfrog you over other writers—even experienced pros.
Chapter 3
How to Pitch Stories
Did I say ideas are everything? They are. But they’re nothing if you don’t know how to pitch them.
- How do you get editors to open your queries and fire off a “Yes, please write for us!” reply?
- 16 Secrets of Successful Querying. Hint: Throw out everything you think you know.
- Plus: 9 Major Query No-No’s.
- Bonus: A look at some of my own winning pitches that landed me stories in magazines like Smithsonian and National Geographic Traveler.
Chapter 4
Red Tape—Contracts, Rights, and Other Nitty-Gritty Stuff
Believe me, I’m saving you a lot of grief in this chapter. Every writer needs this information. Publishing can be a minefield. You need to know where to step. For example:
- What rights should you sell and which should you retain?
- How do you format and submit a manuscript?
- An inside look at a writer’s contract—all terms defined (plus a few opinions tossed in)
Chapter 5
Working with Editors
- This one’s full of inside tips that will get you repeat work. Chapter 5 alone will turn you into a pro.
- Can you become a successful writer without writing query letters? The answer will surprise you.
Chapter 6
The Money Game—How Much You Can Make and How to Make It
- How much should you charge? How do you negotiate?
- Exactly how to calculate whether or not an assignment is worth taking.
- How to turn a low-paying assignment into gold.
- An overlooked writing niche that can be your own personal writing goldmine.
Chapter 7
Markets for Your Writing
Online, print, and everything in between: Here’s all you need to know about where to pitch your stuff, how to crack the high-paying magazine market, how to make money blogging, writing for article sites, writing e-books, how affiliate marketing and Google AdSense can turn a modest blog into a moneymaking machine.
- 8 profitable ways to write for the Web
- Surprise! Print is NOT dead. It’s still the hottest market for high-paying writing. Here’s how to get in on the action.
Chapter 8
Plying the Trade (Part 1)—Skills Critical to Successful Freelancing
- 11 skills that will set you apart from the herd and get the best-paying jobs out there.
- Why time management is a myth. You can’t manage time. But I’ll tell you what you CAN manage. This can rocket-launch your writing career.
- Bonus: My researching secrets. They’ll save you tons of work and give you a huge edge.
Chapter 9
Plying the Trade (Part 2)—Work Habits and Tools of Successful Freelancers
- A peek inside my brain and office, including the work habits I’ve developed that make me fast, efficient, and relaxed.
- The hardware and software that make my writing life a whole lot easier.
Chapter 10
We’ve All Been There—Successful Writers and Editors Weigh in on the Challenges Every Freelancer Faces
I number among my friends some of the country’s most successful freelance writers and editors, and here you get the benefit of their generous insights. They share trade secrets—any one of which is worth the price of this book. They inspire, share the best advice they received when they were starting out, tell you how to deal with rejection (it could happen!), and offer some brilliant insights on how to pitch stories.
- Bonus: Most of my writer friends have also been editors. You get deep inside the industry from both sides of the desk.
- Another bonus: These people are great writers! It’s a darn entertaining chapter.
Chapter 11
A Writing Biz Glossary
- What’s the difference between the BOB and the FOB? And the TOC, for that matter?
- Know how to SEO your blog?
- Why you should avoid WMFH like the plague.
- “Hed TK.” “Nut graf needs work.” “OK on spec.” Do you speak the lingo?
Chapter 12
Key Resources
- How to find leads to writing jobs
- The few truly useful websites for writers
- A directory of writers’ organizations
- The books that should be on every writer’s desk
PLUS: Step-by-step action plans for every chapter. Each chapter is a road map to freelance success.
WRITE WHERE THE MONEY IS contains 150+ pages jam-packed with the best information you’ll ever find about becoming a freelance writer.
“But wait a second, Bob. Isn’t writing a notoriously low-paying job?”
Absolutely. If you focus on low-paying markets and accept the pathetic fees that many publishers and clients get away with paying. If you shoot only for long-shot, maybe-someday-I’ll-win-the-lottery work like books, novels, and screenplays.
I WRITE WHERE THE MONEY IS and I spell out how you can do the same. And start earning money NOW.
This is practical, from-the-ground-up, useful, actionable info that you can start applying tomorrow and begin to realize the dream of making money as a freelance writer.
Speaking of dreams...isn’t it time to stop dreaming?
Quick little story. Years ago, I was making a pittance as a magazine editor, editing copy written by writers who were out having a whole lot more fun than I was in my 8–6 gig. The freelance side of the world looked pretty cool. But I was stuck. I mentioned my dream to one of those freelancers. He gave me the most practical advice I ever got:
“Go for it. Hang out your shingle and declare yourself a freelance writer.”
I gulped. But I did it. And I’ve never looked back for a second.
You don’t have to gulp. You have me to help you. Whether you want to write for a few extra bucks a month or as a lucrative, full-time career, WRITE WHERE THE MONEY IS is your road map to a tremendously satisfying new way of life.
They’re yours for just $47. You should make at least 10 times that on your first sale. And that first sale is right around the bend.
I guarantee that you will find this the most useful book you’ve ever read about freelance writing. If you don’t agree, just let me know. Any time. You get your money back. No questions asked.
Hang out that shingle! Declare yourself to be a writer.
Here’s to your success,
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