Sunday, 26 December 2010

All You Need to Know About Starting Your Own Company

By Iwanono Makabebe 

If you are considering or in the process of forming a company in the United Kingdom, then you are in for an exciting ride. This can prove one of the most testing times for your company, and you need to ensure that you take every step necessary to make the launch of your company a successful one. The aim of this article is to provide you with some of the information you need to know with regard to business start-up and company registration.
When setting up a business in the UK, if you have decided that starting a company is right for you then consideration needs to be given to the company's name. You may wish to start this process by making a list of all the company names you wish to consider for your new business venture, before selecting the best name. You should access the Companies House website in order to find which company Names are available to you, or you can check using the Wisteria Formations name checking system.
It is also very important to consider exactly how much it will cost you to physically set up your company during the company registration phase. These costs will vary considerably between different types of service providers (lawyers, accountants etc) and online companies. These will offer you different levels of service for a different fee. Other start-up costs also depend on your circumstances. Costs associated with a new website would consist of computers, printers, web domains/server registration costs and the cost of web design, where as a high street shop will need to consider telephone/internet service, stock, shop fitting, cash registers and lighting.
Depending on the type of business you will be forming, overheads will play a major role in the amount of profit that you can realise. These are the ongoing expenses which a company will have to pay out for which may include electricity, Internet, water and telephone bills, along with any rent or mortgage that you will have to pay.
Obviously the costs that a business will face will depend on the type of business you will be operating. Some businesses have very high start-up and development costs to get off the ground, whereas other businesses can get going very easily and at a low cost.
The most common practice which many companies choose to register their selves is through the online website of a formation agent. These agents can help and advice you on all the areas covered in this article, such as searching for your desired company name, as well as setting up a company bank account and helping your new business with services such as book-keeping, accountancy, tax planning, business plan writing
Also ensure that you consider any legal and accountancy costs, staff salaries, insurance and banking costs. The business may be eligible for a grant or some form of government incentive, depending on the circumstances. Therefore if you are struggling for funding you may wish to consider this.

Why Online Businesses Need A Blog

By Justine Curtis 

If you are running an online business, one that sells products or services online, your main audience is the online community. The customers who will be ready and willing to buy from you online are those people who are comfortable researching and buying online, over the internet.
It is vitally important that to these people you are not seen as a nameless, faceless organisation, but a trustworthy business who will supply the goods or services displayed on your web site. There are many ways you can include proof of this on your website, but none is as convincing as online interaction.
A blog is a great format for interacting with your audience. It is less formal than the 'corporate' web site, allowing you to inject your own personality into the content. The snippets of information that you post are generally shorter than articles allowing you to post regular short pieces and links to other information your readers may find useful.
You can also have two-way conversations with your prospects that are there for all the world to see. You can supply user guides, all sorts of tips and advice, write subject related articles that your readers will find useful. And best of all, if they have a question, they can ask and you can respond via the blog so your response is public.
And the best news? As the content is regularly updated and 'fresh', search engines LOVE blogs. If you want to be found in the top of the search engines, it's one of the quickest, easiest and most cost-effective way to get there.
In addition to that there are numerous tools available that will automatically post your blog content to your social media accounts. So if you are active in LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and others, snippets of your blog posts, along with a link to read the remainder of your live article from your main blog, can appear each time you post. Now isn't that easier than posting to multiple websites?
Justine Curtis is a co-founder of Academy for Online Business, a company devoted to helping self-employed professionals and entrepreneurs to build their own online business empires. If you would like to receive practical and informative online business training products to help you create your perfect online business, from solid foundations, to which systems you need in place, so that you can start running a business you love, visit

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Are You Ready for a Speaking Gig?

By Suzanne McDonald Evans

It's no secret... speaking from the stage is one of the fastest way to massive, repeatable, consistent paydays. In fact, in my own business, speaking has generated the largest infusions of cash. Hands down. And its done it over and over again. We were just wrapping up our 2010 projections and as many of you know we soared past the million dollar mark, but here is the truly fascinating news: Over 75% of that revenue can be directly attributed to speaking and events.
To uncover this amazing goldmine didn't happen overnight for me. In fact, I can remember my early gigs, speaking in front of handfuls of people, and thinking, "What the heck am I doing wrong?" IF I landed a speaking gig. Step one was the most difficult part.
So you have a choice. Develop slowly over time. Or jump to the head of the line. Instantly. Of course, faster is better. But how? I have a few ideas for you:
1) Don't be picky to start. Land gigs for small groups and go local. Every single experience you have will matter. You will make connections, build exposure, and get more and more clear about your message.
2) Always sell something. Sometimes you will sell items that cost and sometimes they will be free. For instance - you might offer a CD or product for sale and take payments. Some organizations will ask that you don't sell, but you will still sell. Give something away and collect names. In speaking you are always list building.
3) Get creative. I emailed friends, family, and colleagues with the requirement of introducing me to at least one person they knew that could get me in front of people at clubs, churches, schools, companies, etc. You would be surprised who your family knows.
4) Be good and get better! There is nothing worse than a bad speaker, so you have to practice and you must get feedback. HONEST feedback... that's why speaking anywhere to start is key.
5) Find opportunities - collaborate with colleagues to see where you can join forces to put on your own speaking event.
Speaking is the ticket to building your list, your visibility, and your income. Grab the chance whenever you can and get your movement known!
(c) 2010 Suzanne Evans
Suzanne Evans is best known as the 'action expert' and has coached hundreds of solopreneurs to model her multiple six figure business. Learn how you can help more people, make more money and have more fun doing what you love by signing up for your free copy of the 5-Part Mini-Course 'Awakening Your Authentic Entrepreneur' at