It's no secret... speaking from the stage is one of the fastest way to massive, repeatable, consistent paydays. In fact, in my own business, speaking has generated the largest infusions of cash. Hands down. And its done it over and over again. We were just wrapping up our 2010 projections and as many of you know we soared past the million dollar mark, but here is the truly fascinating news: Over 75% of that revenue can be directly attributed to speaking and events.
To uncover this amazing goldmine didn't happen overnight for me. In fact, I can remember my early gigs, speaking in front of handfuls of people, and thinking, "What the heck am I doing wrong?" IF I landed a speaking gig. Step one was the most difficult part.
So you have a choice. Develop slowly over time. Or jump to the head of the line. Instantly. Of course, faster is better. But how? I have a few ideas for you:
1) Don't be picky to start. Land gigs for small groups and go local. Every single experience you have will matter. You will make connections, build exposure, and get more and more clear about your message.
2) Always sell something. Sometimes you will sell items that cost and sometimes they will be free. For instance - you might offer a CD or product for sale and take payments. Some organizations will ask that you don't sell, but you will still sell. Give something away and collect names. In speaking you are always list building.
3) Get creative. I emailed friends, family, and colleagues with the requirement of introducing me to at least one person they knew that could get me in front of people at clubs, churches, schools, companies, etc. You would be surprised who your family knows.
4) Be good and get better! There is nothing worse than a bad speaker, so you have to practice and you must get feedback. HONEST feedback... that's why speaking anywhere to start is key.
5) Find opportunities - collaborate with colleagues to see where you can join forces to put on your own speaking event.
Speaking is the ticket to building your list, your visibility, and your income. Grab the chance whenever you can and get your movement known!
(c) 2010 Suzanne Evans
Suzanne Evans is best known as the 'action expert' and has coached hundreds of solopreneurs to model her multiple six figure business. Learn how you can help more people, make more money and have more fun doing what you love by signing up for your free copy of the 5-Part Mini-Course 'Awakening Your Authentic Entrepreneur' at Article Source: |
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